Monday, July 7, 2008

Give said the little stream

Fourth of July was a blast. We ended up at the Wellsville house and Ethan and Shannon blew up pools, layed down water slip and slides. The kids had a blast. Aly and I enjoyed a nice ride around the Wellsville dam on Ethan's quad. I know have mastered the machine and know not to push to many buttons.

Mom and Aly enjoyed a ride, it was nice to see mom take the Quad for a ride and spend time with Aly.

The kids all had a blast and thanks to Ethan and Travis we enjoyed an evening of fireworks out on the driveway. Brought back fond memories. Mom mentioned the road shows we used to put on prior too and during the firework shows. Good times.

Girls camp was last week. I ended up driving up Tuesday night and staying until Thursday 9:00AM.
When I arrived Tuesday I was amazed at how green and beautiful everything was.

The theme of girls camp was Turning your Heart to the Savior.

First night all the young women sat in the meadow and sang a song with their wards in regards to service.
We sang: Give said the Little Stream. primary song. It was perfect.

The girls did activities all through the day. Archery and shooting bow and arrows was one, the other was canoing. However there were leaches in the man made pond so this girl did not go. But the girls that did enjoyed themselves.

We got to bond and told stories around the camp fire. The last night was testimony meeting. It was nice to know and hear the young women express their testimonies about the Savior.

It is amazing how each girl comes from different families, have different personalities, and yet come with the same purpose. They all face different challenges and trials, and yet they are where they are needing to be.
Girls camp was fun, but I am sooooo tired so I am glad it is not going to happen again until next year.

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